Making Your First Clickbank Sale needn’t be a hard task. You can make it as easy or hard as you want it. I make thousands of dollars every year from Clickbank
There is a process to making money from Clickbank which I will show you in this article.
The process of making money
The process of making money fromClickbank can be broken down as follows:
• The psychology of wealth – You really have to be open to receiving money and believing that you can make money. The more you believe the harder you will try. The less you believe the quicker you will fail.
• Getting organised – Being organised is crucial if you are going to make a living from Clickbank.
• Pick a product – Choose a product from the marketplace at Clickbank and research your competition.
• Create a landing page – You need a landing page which is a soft sales page telling people what’s good about the Clickbank product you are promoting. It is not a full blown sales page and never make the mistake of writing one as such, the sales letter is for that.
• Open a Google and Yahoo ad account – Essential if you want quick traffic to your landing page. Yahoo can be a lot less expensive but Google will get you the bigger amount of traffic.
• Run an ad – As above but be sure to test and teak the ad as you go along. Good keywords can be your saviour.
• Tweak – tweak, tweak tweak, always keep tweaking
• Repeat – Rinse and repeat. When you find a winning formulae go with it
That’s it. A very simple process and yet most people think there is a secret to it. The secret is that there is no secret.
There are people making thousands of dollars every day through Clickbank because they know how the formulae works. Now you know you can also start making money from Clickbank. You will not get anywhere if you don’t take action so go make Your First Clickbank Sale.
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